Monday, March 14, 2011

sample of blog review

Today we are given the task to have a blog review as a sort of our SEO subject. I have chose to have link of my friend's blog. His name is Williamson Enoc.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

an experience that couldn't be taken

“Opportunity comes only once to your life, when it knocks to your door,

open it and grab it! Don’t let it go!”

Work and Travel program is great opportunity for college students to travel to America and Experience the life and Culture of the Americans and gain international exposure and work experience to help you become globally competitive. This was the biggest opportunity that came into my life as a teenager. As what I always said to myself, “anything and everything that is first time to me, happens in 2009”.

Have you ever experience living away from you parents more than 7970 miles or 12826 Kilometers? Living in different environment with different people, culture, language, a food that does not suite to you taste, doing things without the consultation with parents and most of all the first time to work for your own self. The worst is living in the place which is very cold even though its spring but it’s still the breeze of the air really cold, it’s like you’re in the biggest refrigerator! You can’t even stop the trembling of mouth, grrr grrr grrrr grrr, just like this. Your skin is dry, your lips is bleeding of the cold and 3 days of not taking a bath because heater is broke(it’s horrible, I couldn’t even think image this will happen to me). That’s it! This is really is it, it’s America! These are things I have experienced last March 2009 to June 2009(summer).

Learning from the newly meet people, learning with their culture and their way of living. Meet different kinds of people, with different attitude which is really different from Filipino people. Experience working in the surrounding that don’t know how to deal with. Having fun while working at Busch Gardens Europe at Williamsburg Virginia and a great adventure while working, learning, having fun and living independently.

It’s a great experience to work for your own. I was a toll booth cashier there, holding with a big amount of money, and that was the first I’ve touched and count a lot of dollars. The first day of my work I don’t even know how to deal with it and I got nervous because of the amount that I holding. But then I have overcome it, because god is with me always. I got embarrassed with my work because one of the shouted me really loud because she said they don’t understand my English because of my intonation and the way I pronounced it, that happened the first week of my job. I woke up early in the morning because my duty is from 8 o’clock in the morning until 6 in the evening, then I used to ask some department a extra hour for me to earn more. I love being there especially with my work because I got a big salary and free admission in the park. During my day off I use to go in the park and have fun with my new friends from other school at NCR most of the mare from de la salle university or we go shopping and eating in the buffet during our salary day, that was a lot of fun. We’ve meet also a lot Filipino in there one them is Tita Cora, she very kind to us, she always bring us food at the village for free and she will bring us at the beautiful places in there and in their house. Living away from home can make you homesick and got missed with your love ones and friends. But then I have learned a lot of things in there specially waking up early in the morning and prepare for your own, cooking foods different from the Filipino foods and most of all budgeting money which I don’t do alone.

One of the most memorable things that I did there was riding in griffon, one of the tallest roller coasters in the world with 900 drop down to the ground. If you only know the feeling of being in the sky, 205 feet high and the unstoppable heart beat that you would feel only if you’re up there. It’s like your heart is about to jump out, you could shout as loud as you can so that fear in height can be overcome.

And now, the only thing I do when I get miss with the things right there is watching images and video in over the internet most specially a video riding in one of the tallest roller coaster. I miss everything in there, but then it’s still great to live in the place where you belong, Philippines.

Too many things to say and too many happenings that I want to share with you, I want also to share with you images and videos. But writing alone could not express my true feeling and emotions especially when we’re having fun at the village. By the we always play table tennis and billiard at club house with Windion Sarmiento. To end this, I just want to say thank you very guys for supporting us in the program, our International OJT without your support and prayer we won’t be able to experience. To the President of the School, Mr. Jose A Hernandez, school administrator, Ms. Lerry B. Basamot, Tita Josephine Cortez(we used to her call our fairy god the mother because she is always there for us form the first processing of the document until the day we arrive at the NAIA), all the Department heads and you guys. Thank you very much. I hope this program will continue so that a lot of students like us would learn a lot too. God bless.

Monday, March 1, 2010

i want to rest now!

For almost a month of spending my time in doing this thesis study entitle "Online Student Information System for Computer Education Department". My eyes is in pain already I couldn't sleep well, i'm tired of encoding data, editing code with css and php, submitting our website and thinking if we would pass in this study, my future depend on this study, if we failed were gonna take it next year, if passed then I'm to look for a job.

Monday, February 15, 2010

online Student information System

Hercor College Computer Education Department Online Student Information System is the title for our thesis study. As a leader of the group,, it takes a lot of efforts for this kind of study to be successful one. It is really hard to build a website with this features, provides information over the net and filtering records. I know it is really impossible to us to do this but with the help and guidance of GOD it is really possible. This would be the hardest study I’ve ever made, it makes me crazy thinking of the solutions of this problem that we made. But how we would solve this problem? Is there someone out there who would help us building this web site? By the way this the URl of our website: Try to visit and leave comment to us, we really need your help guys and kindly link us.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

beginning of the journey

This is Williamson Enoc taking Bachelor of Science in Computer Science of Hercor College together with Windion Sarmiento taking Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. We would like to share with you the experiences in this Work and Travel Program in The USA. We would like to express our “THANKS” to the Hercor College that allow us to be a participant of this said program. May you enjoy reading with this blog? Thank you and God bless.

Do we look professional already with our attire? This is the first time I wear this kind of clothes. Well i feel comfortable with this one. Together with my friend Windion Sarmiento.